The Year End Award (YEA) program focuses on the Irish Draught (ID), Irish Draught Sport Horse (IDSH) and Certificate of Pedigree (COP) horses participation in a variety of performance fields. Be it at the amateur or international levels, the program is open to all members of the IDHSNA, whose competing horses are registered with the IDHSNA. And it costs nothing to participate! This successful program began in 2002. These rules and the form for reporting results can be downloaded from the bottom of this page or from Forms under the "SUPPORT" section.
The show season includes all competitions from December 1st through November 30. All forms must be postmarked by December 3rd and received by December 10th. Any forms received after December 10th may not be included in this year’s YEA. However, you may fax or email your results.
The Irish Draught horse excels in many disciplines. The intent of the IDHSNA Year-End Award Program is to acknowledge and honor those members with Irish Draught horses, both purebred and part bred, who are out competing and thus promoting the breed.
When a minimum of 6 entries are received in any Discipline, Irish Draught horses will be awarded separately from IDSH and COP horses. This is to appreciate and reflect the Irish Draught is a foundation breed.
Divisions will be divided into Levels when a minimum of 6 entries are received. Levels for each Discipline are described below and are designed so that competitors will be competing for an award against others of a similar level. (For example a horse competing at Novice level in Eventing will not be competing for the same IDHSNA Award as a horse competing at Advanced level).
Jumping (J)
Level I USEF Level 4 and below. Jumps listed below 3'9"
Level II USEF Level 5 and above. Jumps listed as 3'9" and above.
Hunters (H)
Level I Jump height below 3' 6". Includes under-saddle classes when entered as part of a division. (For example, the under-saddle class in an Amateur Owner division where the fence heights are 2'9" would be considered Level I, while the under saddle class for a Working Hunter division, where the fence heights are 4' would be considered Level II) English pleasure or any hack classes not in a division with coordinating jumping classes will be considered in Level I.
Level II Jump height 3' 6" and over. Includes under-saddle classes when entered as part of a division.
Eventing (EV)
Level I All classes below Preliminary.
Level II All classes rated Preliminary and above.
Combined tests, event derbies, and other 2-phase events will count as Tier 1.
Dressage (DS)
Level I All levels below and including 2nd Level.
Level II 3rd Level and above.
Driving (DV)
Level I All Pleasure Driving; All CDE levels preliminary and below.
Level II All CDE levels above preliminary.
Fox Hunting (FH)
Horses must have hunted six (6) or more times and for at least half of the hunting day with any Master of Foxhounds Association of North America recognized pack during the current award period. A signed note from the hunt’s MFH stating that the horse has hunted fairly and regularly according to the listed criteria must accompany the Year-end award results card. For your convenience, a form letter for the signature of the MFH or Hunt Secretary (in lieu of the MFH writing their own letter) follows below. The form letter may also be found on the website.
Level 1 Field horse: 5 Points will be given per fox hunt to each horse with a letter from an MHF saying that they regularly and fairly hunted during a season.
Level 2 Staff horse: 10 Points will be given to each horse with a letter from an MHF stating that the horse was used as a “Staff horse” (defined as one that is used for the huntsman, field master - any flight, or whipper-in).
Unrecognized show points (Tier 1) will be awarded for placing at race meets and includes hunter pace, steeplechase and point to point races, provided the horse has earned points for fairly hunting in the field or as a staff horse.
In Hand and Suitability Classes for 3 year old and under
For horses of any gender showing in halter or in-hand classes in any discipline (hunter breeding, IDHSNA in hand classes, Young Horse Series, Dressage suitability, etc.). This includes jump chute and other classes. The Levels are determined by the age of the horse. IDHSNA does not encourage ridden classes for horses under 4 years of age, nor jump chute for horses under 3.
Level 1 - Under 2 years old:
to include classes entered as Get of Sire or Progeny of Dam.
Level 2 - 2 year olds or older:
to include classes entered as Get of Sire or Progeny of Dam.
At an event with a separately judged In Hand Championship Class (generally 1st and 2nd places from qualifying classes), horses awarded Champion will receive an extra 7 points for the Championship. Horses awarded Reserve Champion will receive an extra 5 points for the Reserve Championship. In Hand and Suitability Divisions do not count toward Versatility Championships.
Young Horse Suitability Classes for 4 and 5 year olds
When the goal of a class or Series is to assess young horses for Suitability to perform a Discipline. Competitions include jump chute, flat classes or specialty dressage tests as well as the Young Event Horse (YEH) program. Suitability competitions are abbreviated, for example Young Event Horse series is not a 3-day Event, so YEH points do not count for the Eventing Discipline. Suitability Division points do not count toward Versatility Championships.
Level 1: For Four year-old purebred and partbred horses.
Level 2: For Five year-old purebred and partbred horses.
Champion and Reserve ribbons will be awarded in each Discipline. Other prizes for champion (cooler, saddle pad, patch, lead rope etc.) TBA. When 6 entry minimum is reached, separate awards for purebred Irish Draughts will be added. Also at 6 horse minimum, awards will be given at each Level.
Point Distribution for Level Awards Points will be divided as follows:

Champion and Reserve will be awarded to the horses with the most points in two or more Disciplines at any Levels. In-Hand points will not be counted for this award. Points will be awarded based on the horse's placing within each Discipline where it was eligible for an award.
Points will be given as follows:
• Champion - 7 pts
• Reserve Champion - 5 pts
• 3rd - 4 pts
• 4th - 3 pts
• 5th - 2 pts
• All others - 1 pts
Where 6 or more horses qualify with Versatility points, a separate purebred Irish Draught Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded.
Horses must be fully registered with the IDHSNA. A list of horses registered with IDHSNA and their owner of record will be created on 11/30 of the awards year and forwarded to the Awards Coordinator. Only horses on this list are eligible for awards. (Fully registered means all paperwork is complete; DNA results and fees have been received by the IDHSNA; and the registration number has been assigned by the Registration Office). DO NOT WAIT TO REGISTER YOUR HORSE and BE SURE ANY TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP IS COMPLETED.
Owners must be members of the IDHSNA and in good standing. A list of members in good standing will be sent to the Awards Coordinator on 11/30 of the awards year. Only fully registered horses where the owner of record is on this list are eligible for awards. DO NOT WAIT TO JOIN.
A horse will NOT be eligible for any award if, for ANY reason, it is not fully registered or the recorded owner’s membership is not in good standing on 11/30 of the awards year.
Horses must show under their IDHSNA registered name or an alias.
Aliases must be registered with USEF, USEA, USDF or they may be registered with IDHSNA, using the “YEA Alias” form available on the website.
Points are awarded to the horse and stay with the horse. If a horse is sold during the competition year, those points already earned remain with the horse. The horse may continue earning points for the new owner from the date when a transfer of ownership form was signed and if not already a member, the new owner has completed application for membership including the fee.
The Awards Year shall run from each December 1st through November 30th of the following year. Deadline for entries is on or before December 3rd of the competition year, to be in our hand by December 10th.
To be eligible for an award in a Discipline, a horse must receive points in at least two different competitions on different dates. If the Discipline is judged using objective criteria, then points must be earned under at least 2 different judges to be eligible for an award.
Horses may and are encouraged to compete for an award in more than one Discipline.
If a horse competes at more than one level in one Discipline, they will be recorded only in the level where their points would place them the highest.
In the event of a tie, the award will go to the horse with the highest average score. (Total points divided by number of classes where points were earned.)
Results must be turned in to the Awards Coordinator by December 3rd of the awards year. Results will be announced in the Yearbook edition of the Blarney. All entries must be sent to the coordinator and post marked on or before the deadline date. No late entries or those sent to anyone other than the coordinator will be accepted.
Championship winners must submit a photograph and a short story (minimum 50 words) or complete a questionnaire if available before receiving their awards.
The final determination of the point-tier to be used for any particular class will be made by the Awards Coordinator. In the event that the Awards Coordinator determines a lower tier should be used for any class, the party submitting shall be notified and given the opportunity to demonstrate that the class in question can be verified as defined in the points section above to be eligible for the higher point tier. Any dispute of the points awarded may be brought to the board as a grievance. Should such a grievance result in a horse being awarded additional points and becoming eligible for either champion or reserve that horse will be declared a co-winner and an additional award shall be given.
Falsification of any information provided to determine eligibility for year- end awards will result in the horse being disqualified. Any awarded prize must be returned to the IDHSNA and the horse will be removed from the list of winners.
Please send your completed Activity Reporting Form by mail, fax or email to:
Corrie Chaffin
7654 Lost River Road
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
PH: (406) 381-1349
Reports are requested to be sent via e-mail where at all possible! If using USPS, please make sure that your mail will be must be POSTMARKED by or before December 3 and will be RECEIVED no later than December 10. If you wish to send sheets with confirmation or results from USEF or USEA, that would be helpful. PLEASE fill out the IDHSNA sheet as well. Please include actual placings, not amateur or junior/YR points for placings.
If you have any additional questions, please contact Corrie or your Regional Chair.
A show that is run by any organization including an affiliated organization of a National organization, but does not have 'Recognized' status with the main organization is considered unrecognized. (We realize there may be a few very large and prestigious shows that could fall into this classification which is unfortunate, but it is important to have an easily verifiable way to determine what point-tier will be used for any particular class.) As of 2023, the Young Horse Series is not recognized, thus Tier 1, for example.
A ‘Recognized Class/Division’ is one that is recorded for points, is open to organization members on a national level and can be looked up on the official site for the above organizations as a recognized class. Tier 3 points awarded.
"Unrecognized classes at a recognized show" are all classes held at a 'Recognized Show' as defined in (1.) above, but the class is NOT being recorded for national points. Tier 2 points awarded.
Any class with prize money of $10,000 or more (actually awarded) or any class on the USEF list of FEI classes for the awards year will be awarded Tier 4 points. Any other recognition status of the class or show at which it is held is irrelevant.
Any classes held at a show and judged by IDHS(NA) provided judges; and any classes held at a show produced by the IDHS(NA) and judged by a USEF recognized judge for that type of class shall be given Tier 2 points.
All other classes are considered unrecognized and receive Tier 1 points.
Additional placings for large classes will be allowed as follows: In classes with over 20 starters, additional points will be allowed through 10th place for points. Example: CH or 1st – 11 pt, RC or 2nd – 9 pts, 3rd – 8 pts, etc.​​