This is a list of forms, guidelines and policy documents available on this website by group filter and sorting. Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed to view and print many documents and/or forms. To view (or download), just click the folder icon to the left of the form name.
Certificate of Castration
You may use this form to notify the IDHSNA of Castration for any male horse that has been castrated after its original recordation papers have been issued. The horse’s record will be updated at no charge. Corrected papers will require returning the original papers issued by IDHSNA and the Replacement Documentation Fee.
Purebred Grade-Up Policy Suspension
The BOD voted in April 2019 to suspend the current grade-up section of the purebred ID breeding policy. The attached PDF document lays out the reasoning of the BOD to suspend this policy, and details the questions and issues the BOD feels need to be answered and addressed prior to any future adoption of such a policy.
Performance Merit System Rules for Purebreds
RID, Class 1 and Class 2 stallions, mares and geldings may obtain merits through their own performance, or in the case of stallions and mares, that of their progeny. This document explains the performance merit rating for bronze, silver, and gold merit for multiple disciplines. Applies to purebred Irish Draughts only. Merit awards can be applied for after the horse’s competition career is over, or even after its death, so long as the results can be verified.
Info and Papers
Inspection Services Application (Partbred)
Applications for Inspection Services may be submitted at any time and without payment. The registrar will contact owners requesting Inspection Services once availability has been determined and based on the order the application was received. Prompt payment at that time will secure the service.
Inspection Services Application (Purebreds)
Applications for Inspection Services may be submitted at any time and without payment. The registrar will contact owners requesting Inspection Services once availability has been determined and based on the order the application was received. Prompt payment at that time will secure the service.
Purebred Stallion Inspection X-Ray Package
List of Stallion X-rays required for purebred Irish Draught x-ray review which must be completed before inspections. This package contains instructions to the owner and veterinarian, list of required views and a report to be completed in full by the veterinarian. Also details on submission to the IDHSNA designated veterinarian for pre-reading and official reading.
Veterinary Inspection Instructions for Partbreds
This document is sent to the on-site veterinarian in advance of Inspections. It is provided here for transparency and to educate owners. Includes instruction and sample forms. Note one form is used for partbred stallions only. A different form (also included) is used for partbred mares and geldings.
Stallion Breeding Report
This report is used to advise the IDHSNA of your stallion's breeding activity for each breeding season [year]. It is a required filing for a stallion to remain in good standing. If no mares were covered, send in the form marked "No Covers". Information is PRIVATE and allows providing registration information to owners expecting foals the following year. Available as a fillable form (saves all that handwriting).
Advertising or Orphaned Catergories
McGahern Genetic IDHS Report
The "Report to The Irish Draught Horse Society, Ireland" prepared at the Animal Genomics Laboratory, School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, College of Life Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland; by Angela McGahern, Patrick Brophy, David MacHugh & Emmeline Hill and released in February of 2006.