Be prepared:
Current Registration Book/recordation papers - MUST have marking sheet - the veterinarian will confirm that the horse being presented IS the horse on the marking sheet. Bring the horse’s registration book to the inspection. You will need to turn it into the steward. (If your horse passes inspection, the book will be forwarded to the Registrar and a new book will be mailed to you).
Please be on time. The organizer of your inspection site will have an order of go. Please be prepared to present your horse at the appointed time.
Owner/handler of the stallion should be prepared to present him as follows:
The horse must be presented in a bridle. Clean and brushed is expected; braiding is requested, but not required. IMPORTANT: candidates for approval into the ID Studbook should not have their legs trimmed. The horse should be presented with natural feathering.
The horses will be presented to the veterinarian for positive identification, a soundness exam, notation of heritable defects, and to have height, bone, and girth measurements taken. Your horse will be asked to trot-up on hard ground - asphalt or similar surface. See the list of unsuitable conditions below. Lame horses will not move on to the inspectors. If heritable defects are noted, horses may move forward for a pending classification.
The horse will be presented in-hand for a standing conformation assessment. The judges will walk around the horse, may touch him and even pick up his feet.
The horse will be led in-hand at walk and trot as directed by the inspectors. They will want to see the horse move on a straight line away from and toward them at natural working walk and trot, so practice this. You may also be asked to trot a long side and corner or to trot in a triangular formation. The inspectors will ask to see your horse at liberty. Your reins or lead should be easy to remove and put back on.
Eligible horses (such as mares and geldings 3 years old and up who have been given approval, or awarded Class 1 or Class 2) may opt to jump for Bronze Merit award. See Jumping for Merit Section
All horses will be assessed at liberty.
Stallions being inspected will have these additional requirements:
For sport horses, veterinary endoscopic evaluation report completed and signed by a licensed veterinarian within 90 days prior to or up to 30 days after the current inspection date must be turned into the registration office from the veterinarian completing the veterinary work. Purebreds must complete an endoscopic exam prior to inspection and the rest of the pre-inspection veterinary exam and x rays. All results from x-rays and exam must be received by the registration office 3 weeks prior to the inspection from the veterinarian completing the veterinary work.
The horse will be required to free jump at a height appropriate for its level of training and physical condition. There will typically be at least 2 jumps and a small 'starter' fence. The main jump may be an oxer. See diagram for details of the jump chute.
For sport horse stallions, a veterinary exam will be conducted as part of the inspection process. This will include examination for soundness and freedom from inherited defects. Any condition flagged at an inspection that is deemed potentially serious will require the owner to get further diagnostic work by a board-certified veterinarian at the owner's expense. Purebred stallions will be seen by the veterinarian for identification, measurement and jogging for soundness.
The inspectors' decision regarding classification, pass, fail, or deferment of a horse will usually be given at the time of inspection. The classification may be delayed if further diagnostics are required by the on-site veterinarian.
The inspectors' decision regarding classification, pass, fail, or deferment of a horse will usually be given at the time of inspection. The classification may be delayed if further diagnostics are required by the on-site veterinarian.
Jumping for Merit (Optional) -
Graded/Approved mares and geldings 3 years old and up will be given the option to free jump for Bronze merit. There will typically be at least 2 jumps and a small 'starter' fence. The main jump is typically an oxer. Horses should be familiar with the Jump Chute before Inspection time. See Diagram to set up your home- schooling sessions.
Jumping heights and distances are at the discretion of the inspectors (who have the best interest of the horse in mind!). The jump chute will typically be set with 3 jumps. The first warm-up jump will be approximately 19-1/2 feet (6 meters) from the turn. The second jump will be in a straight line approximately 22 feet (6.8 meters) after the first jump. The main jump, usually an oxer, will be in a straight line approximately 24 feet (7.3 meters) from the second. The inspectors may use their discretion as to the number of attempts required to assess a horse over the obstacles and as to the height of the fences. Jumps will start as small and inviting and move up at the inspectors' direction.
Typically the maximum height of the fence will be 1.00m and width of 1.05m. for purebred mares and geldings. This will also be maximum for 3-year-old purebred stallions. The usual maximum height for sport horse mares and geldings is 1.15m and width of 1.05m. Horses will be asked to jump the arrangement several times. Foals at an inspection: Any foal that is in the inspection area accompanying her dam during inspection must be on halter and lead with their own handler. This is necessary for the safety of the horses and all personnel that may be helping in the arena. Mares with foals at foot will be able to go through the jump chut at the discretion of the owners and inspectors. The foal must be able to stand quietly with its own handler during the jump chute portion for the safety of all involved.
​Foals at/in an inspection - Any foal that is in the inspection area, whether for an advisory or accompanying its dam during her inspection must be in halter and lead with their own handler. This is necessary for the safety of the horses and all personnel that may be helping in the arena.
Attire of handler - Attire of handler: There is no set attire for the handler. The handler(s) should be well-groomed and present a neat appearance. Please wear shoes that are appropriate around horses AND allow you to move out comfortably with your horse. Helmets are strongly recommended.
Officials Present at Inspections: At each inspection site, there will be two Horse Sport Ireland appointed inspectors, the IDHSNA designated official(s) and a veterinarian contracted by the IDHSNA.
Veterinary - Veterinary: The society covers costs associated with the veterinary travel and professional fees incurred in the course of an inspection. It covers the basic examination as required by the veterinary soundness form. The society does not cover the cost of either the endoscopic exam required for stallions, or additional veterinary examinations outside the scope of the inspection exam that are deemed necessary to determine the fitness of a horse for entry into an IDHSNA Studbooks. It is the owner's responsibility to prove soundness if any question arises. If you are concerned that a past injury may negatively affect the veterinary portion of the inspection, please bring documentation from your own vet, detailing the history of the injury with you to the inspection site. Disputes regarding veterinary findings may require further investigation by an accredited college of veterinary medicine or board-certified equine veterinarian whose opinion shall be considered final. All any/all such costs are the owner's responsibility. If for any reason a veterinarian feels that there is a possibility that a horse has been drugged, the veterinarian may take urine or blood samples.
Photographs: Official photographs will be taken of your horse at inspection. Please inquire of the IDHSNA designated official for details and do not leave the inspection site before having the photograph taken.
Reminder: Each inspection site will have an IDHSNA-designated official overseeing the inspection. This will normally be the Regional Chairperson and/or a person appointed by the Regional Chair. This individual is a volunteer. Please treat them with respect. All requests and questions should be directed to this designated official. Thank You!
The IDHSNA extends a very big thank you to the area members who have donated so much time and effort to provide and/or prepare sites provided for the inspections including the regional chair, designated official and all other volunteers.