Need to make a payment to the IDHSNA? We accept paypal for on-line payment.
With PayPal, you may use your existing PayPal account or your credit card. Create a free PayPal account by visiting the paypal web site.​
Submitting payment to renew Membership in the Society constitutes acceptance of the Society's Bylaws, Rules, and policies and procedures - and all amendments thereto - that are posted on the Society website and that you are advised to review.
If you are paying for a new membership, please be sure to mail or email a completed and SIGNED membership form to:
PO Box 446
Bunnlevel, NC 28323
PH: 406-540-2199
Your membership can be processed once the signed form has been received.
If you have any trouble using the online payment method do not hesitate to contact our current Treasurer for assistance.