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TO WHOM SHOULD I DIRECT INSPECTION INQUIRIES?For INFORMATION about the IDHSNA Inspections, please contact our Registrar & Member Services Coordinator: Allison DeLong. Phone Allison at 406-540-2199 or send her an Email. You may also reach Allison at PO Box 446, Bunnlevel, NC 28323. Alternatively, contact your Regional Chair for information.
WHICH HORSES ARE INSPECTED AND WHY?Stallions and mares are inspected by a panel of inspectors from Ireland to make sure that they have excellent conformation, movement and temperament so that the quality of breeding horses remains high. Geldings may also be inspected. Purebreds can receive Registered Irish Draught status, or Class 1-2 status. Partbreds become Registered Irish Draught Sport Horses.
HOW DO I GET LISTED AS A BREEDER OF ID AND IDX HORSES?You must be a member in good standing and REQUEST to be listed [EMAIL WEBMASTER]. In like fashion you must let the web administrator know if you DO NOT want to be listed. This list is a scripted listing but is MANUALLY maintained.
HOW CAN I HELP PROMOTE THE BREED?Share your love of the Irish horses with others. Members of the Society may request the 3-fold brochure "Get to know the Irish Draught and the Irish Draught Sport Horse" from their regional chairs. This professionally developed brochure gives a history of the breed, breed characteristics and some famous horses as well as an invitation to join the IDHSNA Society. Contact your Regional Chair to request brochures for your next educational event.
I'M A MEMBER, HOW DO I GAIN ACCESS TO THE IDHSNA WEB?"Please contact the the WEBMASTER and ask to be added as a user, or sign-up online under the home page NEWS for web blog access.
HOW DO I GET HELP WITH MY PASSWORD?Please contact the theWEBMASTER. Use the link on contacts page or email web administrator.
HOW DO I UPDATE MY HORSES' PROFILES?For the moment, this ability is not available to the members directly. As the website is updated and we have more security on the information accessed, that may change. In the meantime we encourage you to contact the WEBMASTER directly with information to update or change AND photos to add or change for your horse!
WHAT HORSES ARE ELIBIBLE TO BE LISTED?Currently we have all stallions approved for breeding listed on the site. Future installments will include adding the entire breeding book (mares and stallions), and then as our database skills improve we will look to also add pedigreed horses on the register of record. Please be patient with our tranistion!
WHY DO YOU LINK TO THE AUSTRALIAN PEDIGREE DATABASE?Providing links to the AUS database enables members to do more than just a basic pedigree search. It enables you to do trial matings and research siblings, etc. When and if you come across horses that are not listed on the AUS database, please let the WEBMASTER know and she will submit them to be added.
HOW DO I CHANGE MY HORSE'S ROSTER PHOTO?Your horse's roster photo is accessed via the database so the WEBMASTER is the person who loads those photos to maintain security. Please provide your photo and the registered name of the horse it applies to. Once submitted, if you do not see your photo updated within 72 hours, please email the WEBMASTER for a status. We are looking into ways for you to spend more interactive time with your horses. Stay tuned.
WHAT IS AN IRISH DRAUGHT?Traditionally, Irish Draught horses were the farm horses of Ireland which were most numerous in the South and West of Ireland. They were used for general-purpose farm work. Typically, a horse would have to do light tillage, pull a cart and go hunting. Since farms have become mechanized, horses are not used as much for farm work but they are still bred for their abilities under saddle and in harness. They are also bred because they make excellent foundation stock for the production of sport horses. While it is a relatively rare purebred Irish Draught that makes it to the upper levels of competition, horses that are Irish Draught combined with Thoroughbred or another breed can become world-class athletes in show jumping and eventing. MORE...
IS THE IRISH DRAUGHT A HEAVY HORSE?No. The Irish Draught is a middleweight horse, similar to a Warmblood or the bigger-bodied type of Quarter Horse. It was not used for heavy work such as ploughing in difficult soils or heavy transport so it remained light enough to make a good riding horse. Heavy horses such as Clydesdales and Shires were used for heavy work in Ireland.
WHAT IS A REGISTERED IRISH DRAUGHT?A Registered Irish Draught horse is a purebred horse that has been inspected by Irish standards and has passed. Currently, only horses that have Registered Irish Draught parents are candidates for approval as Registered Irish Draught. Registration, including an inspection process, started in Ireland shortly after the turn of the century in order to improve breeding stock and their progeny. It continues today in all countries where there are breed societies: the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland.
WHAT IS AN IRISH DRAUGHT SPORT HORSE?"Irish Draught Sport Horse" is a classification used by the Irish Draught Horse Societies of Canada and North America for horses of combined Irish Draught and other blood, usually but not necessarily Thoroughbred. Horses that are purebred Irish Draught but are more of a "sport horse" type than a true Irish Draught can also be classified as Irish Draught Sport Horses. MORE...
WHAT IS AN IRISH SPORT HORSE?Traditionally, crosses between Irish Draught horses and Thoroughbreds were formally called "Half-breds" or commonly "Irish Hunters". When the term "sport horse" came into common use in the mid-1980's, the term "Half-bred" was replaced by "Irish Sport Horse". Currently, "Irish Sport Horse" is also used for any horses that are registered on the Irish Horse Register , the government-maintained registry in Ireland, which do not necessarily have any Irish Draught or Thoroughbred blood, though most do.
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