Nominations Instructions
ï‚· Nomination Forms MUST be fully filled out to be valid.
ï‚· Nominees should submit a short “pen portrait” of themselves (300 words maximum) with their nomination acceptance. The pen portraits will be provided to the members before the election. You may also provide a photograph if you would like.
Completed Nomination Forms and Pen Portraits must be RECEIVED BY the IDHSNA Executive Secretary, ON OR BEFORE November 1, 2024 to be included on the ballot.
The address to send the Nomination Form is: Current Executive Secretary
Receipt of the form will be acknowledged by email within 24 hours of receipt. Incomplete Nomination Forms will not be counted.
Please make sure you have read the Bylaws and fully understand the commitment that serving this Board entails before nominating or accepting. Detailed Terms of Reference for each position are available in the Files area on the Groups.IO list - and also following the nomination form in this document.
Thank you!